I was an anxious child.
Perhaps there are better words. Nervous? Scared? I don't know, but what I do know was that, up until I started college (and then for a time afterwards whenever I was home), I stuttered/stammered while talking very fast. Was I made fun of? Yes, though I can't recall any specific incidents. Did my parents (and grandparents) often speak to it? Yes. In fact, Mom and Dad tried to bribe me with a drum set that was bought for me as a Christmas present (over Thanksgiving), saying that if I could speak slowly for two weeks, I could have it early. I think I made it a day; I got the drum set early anyways.
(And I remember my grandmother trying to show me an example of what I sounded like by saying, "Jeep?" in place of "Did you eat?")
I also had occasional tics, like, for example, contorting my face (sort of pulling my nose down) to "get air in my eyes."
where does fear/anxiety come from
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